Saturday 24 July 2010

Batam Island fun story

This event had occurred on Friday 23,2010, i was visiting the Automatic Transferring Machine in Mega Mall. I went to Ferry International take some money because in Mega Mall ATM was broken. When I took my money,i am going to the shop Center in Mall. Between Ferry International and Mega Mall has a bridge to connected both building. I stranded alone and account the money.

I felt happy when i am going to the Mall, but suddenly there is Sound Speaker loudly announce: TELAH DI TEMUKAN kTp AtaS nAma Reswita ALMAT bANDAR. I stop and listened the sound, then I asked the Security of The Mall but i got bad reply. i decided to visit the Mall Information, but i had zero information. Costumer service said that "the sound came from Ferry Terminal maybe". Finally i went to Ferry information then asked" did my name RESWITA announce?" he replied 'yes took it"... i asked where it was founded?" he said "dont ask just bring"

This event occurs but i didn't know that my Identity Card was loose,i just hear that my name was announce.